Chapter 5. Raison d'être

Things rarely go as planned.  Am I right?  We can be as detail oriented as they come but at the end of the day life is much less in our control then we claim it to be.  

Life rocks us back and forth as a constant reminder.  Some days it beats the crap out of us and other times it lulls us to sleep.

I mean one minute we are working hard making strides and then BOOM, world wide pandemic that makes you shelter in place.

So what’s the point?

It simply put, the ebb and flow of life.  I feel as though I can speak for all of us when I say we are all down for the flow of life, but the eb with its unwanted unexpectedness - not so much. Being stuck or feeling as though I'm going backwards is a brutal experience.

There are some pretty large parts of quartiane that feel like the ebb in life.  Hitting lots of random walls (ie. the world was out of toilet paper), professional life looks so differently than expected ( for me it was not producing cookies). But if there's anything I've learned in this time - it’s to just let it rock. The ebb is what you make it.  

Professional surfers use both the ebb and flow of a wave. They need both flexibility and balance to concourse a crashing wave and ride it out.

So friends, how are we going to ride it out?

Rachel Bieber