Chapter 3. Breakthrough & the roadblocks that gave them victory

Wow, how exhausting is push back, am I right?  I know that in one way or another we are all experiencing adversity in life right now.  Quarantined in our homes with whoever we’ve been living with, there are so many restrictions that are changing our day to day lives.  Beyond the fact that we are physically limited to where we go & and who we see, there is a real element of emotional instability. With thousands of people affected around the world because of the same illness that keeps us inside, it can feel like an overwhelming hindrance to what we were expecting to accomplish.

But no breakthrough came without a roadblock.

Breakthrough is a sudden, dramatic and important discovery or development.  Without truly experiencing breakthroughs we will never build something extraordinary.   If there was never adversity would we ever really give everything again & again until the fruition of our dreams? 

First comes dreams, then vision, then the roadblocks, & with it, breakthrough.  The season of roadblocks isn’t a hopeless one, it’s simply part of building the dream, & the moments of stretching and pressing build us into exceptional individuals in the interim.

There will be those who pat us on the back and say ‘you did your very best and it’s okay it didn’t work out’ when they see the walls in front of us. To those people, thank you for existing; but excuse me, please don’t touch my dreams.

We are ALL quarantined right now, provided with a multitude of roadblocks: mentally, emotionally, physically.  Producing cookies right now feels something similar to entering an unexpected battle I simply stumbled upon. It’s tiring and sometimes painful.  Where to buy flour, how to keep things sanitary and up to new code, etc, etc. But one roadblock after another leads to one new solution after another. As the obstacles get bigger, so do the solutions. They might not look appealing right now, but in the long game, we’re building something that will stand the test of time. We all are.

When there’s a roadblock there is breakthrough right in front of us.  

When we hit a wall, the other side still holds an opportunity.  It just looks like a different route to get there. Climb the wall, get the neighboring town to help you.  Is it possible to break the wall down? If so, how?

We don’t experience breakthrough alone.  We have to search our resources & be open to new creative areas of our brain. We have to reach out to others ahead of us.  If the wall isn’t moved today, that’s okay. Get a good night’s sleep, eat a hot meal & take a look tomorrow from a different direction and with a fresh mind.

Breakthrough doesn’t happen overnight. It is the conscious process of believing that your greatest discovery and development is on the other side. What breakthroughs are you believing for and how can we at Food & Courage help you get to your opportunities on the other side of the wall?

Keep pressing in friends, your greatest opportunities are right in front of you.

Rachel Bieber