Ever feel like your goals are so far away and you're constantly seeing others’ success flash in your face? Yeah? Same. Often, I find myself striving for these huge successes and then the painful reality hits because of my unrealistic expectation for them to happen overnight. 

It is not in grand moments that success is truly built, but in the small ones.

People say ‘nothing happens overnight.’ So, when does it happen?

It happens in everyday details.

Food & Courage did not magically appear with its luxurious cookies in a gorgeous kitchen. Our beloved partner cafes simply did not start knocking on our door.

Landing our first cafe came after filling my tote with neatly-packed boxes of sample cookies and going door-to-door at hotels and small businesses. Finally, we landed our first cafe.

Even then – that was not where our first small win originated from.  It originated from rest & hard work. I know they may seem like opposites. Hear me out: the two are not mutually exclusive.

In my personal and business journey, I’ve found success to be derived from hard work infused with healthy habits of rest. Rest builds our stamina and encourages our attitude for the day ahead.

When I say rest, I don’t mean a “veg out” binge-watching-Netflix-type rest (although, in the right moments we here for that).

I mean soul-giving, windowsill reading, cooking, art gallery browsing-type rest.

We often overlook the things that bring us life while we try to build our empires. Friend, can I encourage you to take a moment and ask yourself: what are the refreshing, soul-giving details you love?

Headlines of huge success come from an insane amount of overtime, sweat equity and a teachable spirit.

Trust me, I get it.

Believe me when I say that’s not all of it. There’s more to success and it’s in the small details - the sweet moments of inspiring rest, that creative idea you get in the shower, the encouraging words of the people around you. I urge you, look around. 

What details are we overlooking when building our empires?

Those moments of hard work and dedication, but also of rest and kindness – are all of the moments that actually carried us to our headlines. 

So what am I leaving you with today? 

  • Serving well today makes you a better leader tomorrow.  

  • The details of today’s character builds tomorrow’s headlines.

  • Here’s to cheering on all of your unseen details. We’re here for it.         

Take courage, rest, and know that it’s in the seemingly insignificant details that headlines are made.

Rachel Bieber